Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Ill Manors e-media: social media research

Ill Manors Facebook page
  1. How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had? 29,683 likes.
  2. What is the top of the page promoting? the top is promoting the DVD release of Ill manors.
  3. Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience. 
  4. Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film. One of the post is about Ill manors featuring in an NME magazine which is synergy with the magazine article we read before.
  5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter). there was a post asking the audience to pick a scene from Ill manors that had the most impact on them. there is also another post asking the audience to use the same header as the facebook page if they enjoyed the film. and then another post asking what they thought of michelles character in the film.
  6. Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.
  7. Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.
  8. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012? during May/June the page was linking a lot of news articles about the film and sharing exclusive deals.

Ill Manors Twitter feed
  1. How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film? because the profile picture is the Ill manors film poster with only the "Ill manors" is visible and therefore when looking through the feed the profile picture and brand of Ill manors especially because the gun is still showing is reinforced throughout the feed.
  2. What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed? #iLLManors #PlayingWithFire 
  3. Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
  4. How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film? mostly pictures behind the scenes and the film posters.
  5. Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.
  6. How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.

YouTube - planbuk channel
  1. How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film? it was used to post teaser videos and music videos and remixes of Ill manors. it also promoted the "Tag London" campaign that plan b started on twitter. 
  2. Scroll back to find the three Ill Manors teaser videos. When were these released? How did they help promote Ill Manors? What was the target audience for these teaser videos? Suggest why the videos were only 10 seconds or shorter. they were all posted 4 years ago and probably aimed at plan bs already audience following the youtube account. however because the channel is shown in the video it was probably targeted for another social media like twitter or instagram, to direct people to the youtube channel.
  3. Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience. the profile picture and header of the channel are all relation to the Ill manors album cover with the image of plan b sitting on the wall smoking and the branding of the font used for the title of Ill manors. they promote and appeal to the Ill manors target audience as they allow audiences to relate to the branding of a "chav."
  4. What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage? there's links to itunes, facebook, twiiter, google+ and soundcloud.

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