1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted? targets mainly men aged 17-30,this target audience would be classed as C1,C2 or D on the standard occupational classification, meaning people between lower middle class,skilled working class and working class are all targets of this specific magazine. Many close up photos are used in this magazine. This is evident on both the front cover and inside the magazine.With the use of colours and text fonts, the overall layout of the magazine is slightly informal and very much appeals to men in their 20’s. A slightly glossy front cover is used and this also helps capture the readers eye. The layout of the magazine was well thought out and includes everything that the target audience would want from a magazine of this genre.
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer? it gives a lot of information about the film like the release date, cast and plot. as well as a release date for the ill manors album. it gives a lot of his views around the riots
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article?
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far? in the just the front cover there is synergy between the ill manors album cover and this magazine cover. they both have similar iconography like the clothing, the hoodie and the cigarette in both media texts. the way plan b speaks about the film and politics and the riots in this interview is similar to the way he speaks about those things in the Jonathan Ross show.
Plan B men's health interview
1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted? men's health digital audience consists of mostly men aged 25-34 and mainly within the ABC1 class.
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer? It allows people to relate to plan b's situation and feelings towards being overweight and fitness and health.
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article?
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end? this interview is cut up into sections about different topics that Drew spoke about and each section is quite short so it doesn't feel like a long read to a reader.
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far? there is some synergy as there is a section where he briefly talks about his film and the London riots. he states his main ideology like why did it happen and how can it be prevented in the future, similar to his statements in the TEDx lecture.
Plan b guardian interview
1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
it's a left wing paper so usually the headlines will emphasis left wing ideologies and attract their audience with similar ideologies.
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?
it gives personal story that plan b shared with the interviewer and that allows a audience an insight on plan b's childhood. it gives some information about the narrative of the film and some ideology's behind the film.
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article?
it has a main headline and image relating to the article.
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?
it hooks readers in with a negative review of the film and people who enjoyed the film will read on of dislike for the writer but will want to know the opinion, people who also disliked the film will relate and read on to see if they share the same dislike of the film and people who haven't seen the film will read on to find out whether or not its worth watching for them. it then also outlines the plot of the film and then states some positive things about the film.
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?
the article did show some images from the film itself.
Daily Mail Review of Ill Manors
1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted? the target audience for the daily mail is lower-middle-class British women. However, the paper's promotional gimmicks, prizes and contests, and low price make it appealing to lower-middle-class readers in general.
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer? it gives a opinion of the film that daily mail readers will most likely agree with.
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article?
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?
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